About Us

We are Planetpopup.com

We make pop-up cards and paper products ranging from vintage style pop-up typewriters and cameras to custom birthday cards and greetings cards. Each card is handmade and personalised to order. The base cards are made from heavy card stock and the insides are cut in intricate detail from a variety of specialist papers. Each design takes several weeks of development and pushes the limits of paper engineering and pop-up techniques to create innovative and intriguing designs.

We have always been fascinated by what paper can do, and enjoy the challenge of producing new designs which are all individually handmade.

It may be possible to provide new custom designs on request. Please contact us if you require a custom design or want to order quantities larger than our online stock.

Our business address is

planetpopup 124 City Road, London EC1V 2NX

Our contact email is geekinesis@googlemail.com

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